Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Submit Now!!

you can submit your storys now!! Email them to me at sendyourstorygirl@gmail.com <3

Write Your Story

Hi, it's so nice to have you here! My name is Gabriella and I am the owner of this blog.
This blog is for all the young girl writers out there!
You can send me an email (sendyourstorygirl@gmail.com) to enter your story on my site!
(Pls keep in mind that I will review each and every story that I get sent.)

You may send a whole book  chapter by chapter
No swearing allowed.
You are allowed to mention scriptures from the bible
You may send a cover with your story if you would like
You may include: semi violence, drama and illnesses or addictions just add a warning at the beginning(I will be reviewing what you put in your story, if I think you've gone a bit too detailed or over the top I will not post it)
You are allowed to post fanfictions, fictions and non fictions
If you would really like your story to be posted but I do not approve of something you wrote then you may put at the top "you may change anything you would like."
You may also send a letter to me, just put "NOT A STORY" at the top.

I have the right to post something that I think might be offensive to other viewers or inappropriate so please don't get offended.

Have a nice day:)